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Chaima is an outstanding student whose journey at Uxbridge College began shortly after arriving in the UK in 2019 with a limited command of the English language.


Fast forward to today, and Chaima has embarked on our BTEC Level 3 Applied Science course, where her academic prowess truly shone. Achieving a distinction in almost every unit, Chaima's commitment to excellence was evident. But her amazing academic success is only part of her story.

Chaima's leadership qualities came to the fore when she was chosen as the class student representative. This role not only helped with Chaima’s communication skills but also showcased her ability to lead and inspire her peers. The journey of personal and professional development didn't stop there.

As part of The Turing Scheme, Chaima embraced an overseas industry placement to Vancouver, Canada – an experience that broadened her horizons and added a global perspective to her education. This opportunity not only enriched her academic journey but also contributed to the development of strong leadership skills.

“These new opportunities allowed me to develop as a student and an individual. They caught my interest and inspired me to want to learn more.”

Beyond the realm of science

Chaima standingWhat makes Chaima's story even more remarkable is her recognition as the Student Industry Placement Award winner. This accolade is a testament to Chaima's exceptional attitude and commitment to excellence in every endeavour. Articulate, professional, and meticulous, Chaima excelled in two industry placements at Bath Road Pharmacy and the Society Promoting Environmental Conservation.

The impact of Chaima's contributions during these placements extended beyond personal success. Chaima’s outstanding performance garnered acclaim from supervisors, who not only offered her work but also played a pivotal role in fostering enduring relationships between the college and employers. Chaima's influence in building these connections is a valuable asset that will benefit future students for years to come.

Beyond the realm of science, Chaima's potential as a writer has also come to light. Her engaging journal logs, noted for their maturity and insight, hint at a possible career in writing—an impressive feat considering she began learning English only three years ago.

Chaima has now set her sights on university and pursuing a future career as a biomedical scientist.