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The Careers Team provides comprehensive advice about training and employment.

For present and future students:

  • Interviews with a qualified careers advisor.
  • Information and advice about courses and apprenticeships.
  • Specialist careers advice for people in or leaving care, or who have an Education Health Care Plan.
  • A drop-in advice service.
  • Help with CV writing, job-searching and applying.
  • Information and advice about progression to the next course with us or elsewhere.
  • University applications help, events and visits.
  • Tutorials.

For parents:

  • The opportunity to meet a qualified careers adviser.
  • Discussion with specialist staff about the specific needs of people with Education Health Care Plans
  • Advice on student finance. 


The service provided by the team is matrix acredited. Matrix QM Process



To find out more about the funding available for higher education (HE) please click the video below to see the presentation from the Careers Team. You can also  pdf view the presentation slides here (1.57 MB) .