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Adults whose IT skills were so basic some couldn’t even switch on a computer are now confidently surfing the web and creating documents thanks to a part-time short course.

The group from the Entry 3 Basic ICT qualification at Uxbridge College, which included students who’d never used a computer before or whose skills were very outdated, enrolled to learn computing skills including word processing, spreadsheets and using the internet, as well as team and employability skills. The course is among a range of full-time and part-time courses available at the College’s campuses in Uxbridge and Hayes.

The group of 14 men and women, aged from their 30s upwards from a wide range of backgrounds, have improved their prospects in the job market, and are using their new skills to search for and apply for jobs as well as at using the internet at home. Some will be progressing on to further training at College while others are finding employment.

Tutor Annick Hooge, who teaches the course over 4 weeks, 3 days a week at the Hayes campus, off Coldharbour Lane, said: “These students had various starting points - half the class did not have a computer at home - and have all improved their computing and employability skills and self-esteem significantly. They’re also a great team - they helped each other so much I was practically redundant at times!

“Everyone had different things to learn, for instance some knew how to send an email but maybe not how cc or bcc worked or how to delete, and some had word processing skills they’d learned years ago, so as well as learning all the new computer programmes, they had to learn all the new descriptions used within the programmes as well.

“The students have not only demonstrated excellent levels of achievement, but have shown great dedication to their studies and a tremendous attitude to learning. Virtually all of them have come to College early to practice or to finish early or to get some extra help.”

Elizabeth Daura (57), from West Drayton, said: “I found the course very helpful because I have never been on a computer. I didn’t like it before but now I really love it - and my family are so happy because they have been pushing me to learn for ages. My tutor has boosted my confidence so much, I’ve achieved loads, and now I want to carry on studying.”

Niall Bracey (59), from Ruislip said: “I was fairly confident with computers and used to run my own business and was familiar with searches, emailing and business word documents but never went beyond the basics. I knew that if I wanted to be employed rather than self-employed I would need to improve my skills and the course has been very useful to me, especially using Microsoft Windows, Word and Excel.”

For more information about the whole range of full-time and part-time courses go to

For more information about the Entry 3 Basic ICT qualification contact Giles Strachan on 01895 853653, 07956 358630 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..