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HCUC has become one of the first few colleges across the UK to support their personal tutors to achieve Professional Tutor Recognition.

The recognition scheme has been developed by the Further Education Tutorial Network (FETN) in collaboration with the sector. FETN is the UK’s leading professional body for Tutorial Managers and Practitioners, working across the Further Education and Training Sector.

Personal Tutors Abbas Aslam, Doorgesh Kallee and Katharine O’Doherty from HCUC (Harrow College Uxbridge College) successfully completed the Professional Tutor Recognition, supported by Kal Matharu, one of the tutorial leads at HCUC. The candidates submitted a reflective portfolio to be assessed against the National Occupational Standards for Personal Tutoring. The criteria includes:

  • Identifying students’ aspirations, needs and barriers to learning
  • Enabling learners to set learning targets and evaluate their progress and achievement
  • Enabling learners to develop their personal and social skills
  • Providing impartial guidance and support
  • Supporting learners to develop employability skills and plan for progression.

The candidates were presented with their Certificate of Recognition at the FETN Annual Conference by Dr Sally Wootton (pictured left), Founder of FETN who said “Good Personal Tutoring is central to learner success and it is important for personal tutors to feel recognised and valued in this essential role”.

Kal Matharu (pictured right), from HCUC said: “This has been an extremely valuable process and we have all learned a huge amount. We are very pleased to see the role of Personal Tutor being brought in line with other professional occupations offering support, mentorship and guidance, and look forward to continuing to work with FETN going forward.”

To learn more about FETN and the Professional Tutor Recognition scheme visit