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Dr Darrell DeSouza has been appointed as new Group Principal and CEO to the merged college group Harrow College Uxbridge College (HCUC) starting in September.

Darrell will take up the reins from Laraine Smith OBE when she retires from the role, stepping up from his position as Vice-Principal of HCUC, which he has occupied since the merger in August 2017. Prior to the merger, Darrell had served as Vice-Principal Curriculum and Standards at Uxbridge College since August 2007. He was the successful candidate in the Governor-led selection and recruitment process, which was a nationally advertised and competitive process.

Nick Davies, Chair of HCUC Governing Body, said: “HCUC Governors would like to congratulate Darrell on his appointment following what was a rigorous and highly competitive selection and recruitment process. We have every confidence that Darrell will lead HCUC successfully in its ambitious plans for the future as we approach the 2020s. Darrell has a substantial track record of success at HCUC, and his commitment, expertise and passion really shone through throughout the appointments process.”

Darrell said: “I am extremely pleased to have been chosen to lead HCUC into its next phase of development. Thanks to the collective efforts of everyone at Harrow College and Uxbridge College, we have been able to build on the excellent progress made in the first year of merger which has already seen HCUC establishing a strong track record in west London and the wider London region. I am determined to ensure this strength of provision in serving our learners and the local and regional economy, continues.”

Darrell’s work with both organisations has included:

● Steering development of new projects including the pilot T Levels (Technology Levels) establishing HCUC as the only London GFE provider due to launch in 2020

● Leading the Uxbridge College Ofsted Inspection as nominee which resulted in an Outstanding outcome (2008)

● Leading curriculum and quality developments to ensure the College has stayed at the forefront among London GFE providers

● Sustaining high learner success for more than a decade - presided over sustained 16-18 years growth resulting in the largest 16-18 provision in west London (Uxbridge College and now HCUC)

● Leading London Beacon project work

● Chair of the Association of Colleges’ (AoC) Quality Forum

Prior to joining Uxbridge College as a Director, Darrell worked in various roles at Coulsdon College, East Berkshire College, at Maidenhead, Windsor and Langley colleges, the latter where he began his lecturing career in Sciences and Psychology.

In his spare time Darrell enjoys sports, photography and music - and has been known to pull on a pair of football boots or brandish a guitar on the premises!

Laraine Smith has been Principal and CEO of HCUC since the merger, before which she had been Principal of Uxbridge College since 2007, having joined as Vice Principal in 2003.