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Principals from more than 25 South Korean high schools and colleges travelled over 5,000 miles to find out more about how students are taught in the UK.

The delegation from vocational high schools and colleges looked at Uxbridge College’s workshops and classrooms, learned more about teaching methods and activities, and talked to staff and students about life at college.

Former Uxbridge College A Level student Adam Pepin-Hall, who went on to study International Relations at SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies) University of London, came back as guest speaker - giving his presentation in Korean - and met with the group. Adam specialised in Korea during his studies and spent a year studying there, and is about to return to the country to embark on an MSc studied in Korean.

Dr Darrell DeSouza, Vice Principal - Curriculum & Standards, said: “It was a real privilege to be sharing expertise with our South Korean delegation and the visit was a great success. We were also very proud to have Adam Pepin-Hall back talking about his time in Korea and his studies, and to see how much he has achieved after studying at Uxbridge College.”

The aim of the visit was for the Principals to implement some of the College’s practices and policies in their schools and colleges in South Korea.