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Students on courses in fashion and a range of other creative arts showcased their best work at Uxbridge College’s four-day end of year show.

Art & Design, Fashion, Graphic Design, and Games Design students took part in the New Premise Exhibition 2015, named in recognition of the College’s new £4.1m creative arts centre, where it was held.

Visitors, including young people and their parents who were in College for the June Open Day, got a chance to see the students’ creative designs using skills in fashion design, art, sculpture, and computer design and special effects.

Lyn Stevenson, Section Manager Art, Design & Media, said: “This was a great show where our students made use of the College’s new creative arts centre for exhibition purposes for the first time. All these areas of study require a high level of technical and creative skill and lead to a great choice of higher education, training and work opportunities.”

This year fashion students are progressing to a range of courses at universities including: London College of Fashion; University of Creative Arts; and the universities of Middlesex, Westminster University, Nottingham Trent and Brighton.

For more information about creative courses at Uxbridge College go to:

-  Art & Design courses:
-  Fashion courses:
-  Media courses: