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Uxbridge College Student President Eric Kim is celebrating a win in a film competition run by the National Association for Managers of Student Services.

Eric, Student President for Hayes Campus, scooped second prize in the British Values short film competition and was presented with a plaque for the College and an individual trophy during the NAMSS annual conference. The trophies and prize of £750 for the College and £750 vouchers for himself were presented by Mark Donkersley, Managing Director of event sponsors eSafe Systems Ltd.

A letter of congratulations from NAMSS Chair Polly Harrow to Laraine Smith, Uxbridge College Principal, said: “We had some fantastic entries and the competition was tough so I am sure you will be very proud of Eric’s achievement.”

Laraine said: “Congratulations to Eric on winning this prize and on the effort, creativity and commitment which went into him completing and entering his excellent film. This is a great result in a national competition and we are delighted to see the film being showcased as an example to other colleges.”

The winning films will be featured on the NAMSS website as examples of best practice. Please click below to view Eric's film: